Monday 10 September 2012

{KeyLime Pie}

This is my first recipe share.
This came from a cousin of mine- I had this pie for the first time at my Oma and Opa's house. Since then this is probably my most shared recipe and so far everyone just LOVES it!

Key Lime Pie:

1-2 Limes
Lime Juice
1 can of condensed milk-sweetened
1 cup of whipping cream
Gram Cracker crust 9-10 in. diameter

1) Make the crust (I follow the directions on the box, but I know you can also buy them pre-made)
2) Mix 1 Tbs grated lime peel, 1/2 cup lime juice with the can of condensed milk (Set aside)
3) Beat whipped cream until peaks appear and fold in whipped cream to lime mixture
4) Pour into crust and freeze for 3hrs to 1 month.
 Voila! Enjoy

I also added a little flair for my loves birthday and this is how it turned out:

 I just melted chocolate and put it in a ziplock bag, cut off the corner and drew my design onto tinfoil then placed it into the freezer before peeling it off and putting it on the pie- I definitely could have just drawn it onto the pie, but I didn't want to make a mistake and ruin the pie!

{Dry Erase Board}

Here is the Link:

It turned out okay, and I'm pleased to say we use it all the time!

I must admit.. it is a PERFECT compromise to the much too practical (ugly) dry erase boards.
This one sits right in my kitchen so we can have a peak whenever we walk by.
Another neat thing about this is that I can change out the paper backing behind the glass if you get bored of the one currently in there... or say if you paint your walls!

{Couch Pillows-with Zippers}

Here is another great idea for customizing your couch.
It took me a long time to pick out the fabric/material. I wanted something cozy with no flower pattern
I settled on this:
Different textures but the colors work really well together. 
After scouring Pinterest I came to this great site that had an awesome tutorial:

I also searched youtube for some videos on installing zippers-and found real time videos super helpful!

By the final pillow I finally got the hang of the zipper installation... now I'll know for next time

{Camera Strap with Pocket}

So I just finished this one up this morning.
I found the Tutorial here:

And it worked out... okay... for my first go at it.
I used outdoor material so that it would stand up to spilled drinks and dirty fingers and what not (all that come along with great photos)
My only hiccup was ironing it.. I guess because it has plastic in it- so it all melted. Once I started up again things went smoothly.

While the outdoor material was a great idea in theory, I think next time I might use something a little more pliable so that the strap doesn't fall so stiff.
Just keep in mind your tension- after I put the pocket on things got pretty thick, so I had to use a tension of nine.


The blue and grey part is the pocket; it is the perfect size, however I kind or regret my color choice.
(At least the stripes match, right?)

{Intro Post}

Alright, so i'd like to get this page up and running.. at first it may be a bit of a mishmash of posts, out of order and what not, but for the most part it will be focused around successful (or maybe not so successful) 'pin' executions.

If you have any suggestions that you want me to try before you do feel free to provide ideas!

Thursday 1 March 2012


Hi everyone,
for those of you who know me well you probably know this site was inevitable... what with all my spare time and crafty 'B' nature.
Bare with me, I am completely new at this.